Do You Need Eyelid Surgery?

Do You Need Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelids provide valuable protection for our eyes, but as we age they can start to stretch and droop, impacting your vision, causing discomfort, and aging your appearance.

The loss of skin elasticity is natural, but if it is affecting your health or your confidence, the specialists at Brandon Eye Associates in Brandon, Sun City, and Plant City offer eyelid surgery that can improve your field of vision and take years off your face.

Oculoplastic surgery comes in several methods used to correct eyelids that have turned out, remove skin cancer on the eyelid, improve your appearance, or remove skin that is impairing your vision.

Why might I need eyelid surgery?

Turned eyelids

If your eyelids are turned in or out, it can cause damage to the surface of your eye. Correcting this issue requires eye surgery to adjust the position of the eyelid so there are no irritation, pain, or health effects.

Skin cancer

If you have developed skin cancer on your eyelids, the specialists at our Brandon, Sun City, and Plant City offices can safely remove the cancerous spots to prevent cancer from spreading.

Muscle detachment

A condition called ptosis causes the levator muscle in the eyelid to lose strength and connection. The resulting drooping or involuntary closure of the eyelid can affect your vision and irritate the surface of your eye. With corrective surgery at our Brandon, Sun City, or Plant City offices, you can regain full function of the eyelid.

Age-related cosmetic issues

Sagging skin around the eyes, which occurs naturally as we age, can cause you to look tired, worn down, or older than your years. Using an eye surgery called Blepharoplasty, our specialists can remove any excess skin, or even bulges of fat around the eye, to give you both a more youthful appearance and allow your eyes to open wider so you can see more clearly.

If you are experiencing problems with your eyelid health, function, or appearance, ask the specialists at Brandon Eye Associates about our eye surgery options. Reach our Brandon, Sun City, and Plant City offices by calling 813-684-2211.

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