Retina Conditions and Treatments

The retina is a thin layer of light-sensitive membrane that runs along the back of your eyeball. The retina is near the optic nerve, and its primary function is to receive light, organize visual information, and convert this information into subject matter your brain comprehends. If you have retinal problems, ophthalmologists are your first line of defense in treating symptoms which may include vision loss, peripheral vision defects, blurred or distorted vision, or persistent presence of floating specks in the eye. Diabetic retinopathy and retinal detachment are the two most common complications occurring in the retina. Consult our eye doctor in Brandon, Plant City, and Sun City, FL, if you've had an eye injury, have concerns about retinal detachment, or if a health condition like diabetes increases your overall risk of retinal damage. Our eye doctors at Brandon Eye Associates will determine the best course of treatment after performing an eye examination.

Retina Conditions and Treatments 

Your retina functions like a camera, and like a camera, it can encounter some distress. Retinal conditions such as a retinal tear, detachment, or damage to the blood vessels in the back of the eye, can lead to permanent vision loss if untreated. Retinopathy is often a complication of diabetes, and it's suggested as the leading cause of blindness in the U.S. Retinal conditions are easier to prevent than treat. However, depending on the circumstances, treatment may include laser surgery, pneumatic retinopexy, scatter laser photocoagulation, scleral buckling, vitrectomy, or injection of medicine into the eye. Immediately consult with our eye doctor in Brandon, Plant City, and Sun City, FL, if you suddenly experience eye trauma, double-vision, floaters or flashes in the eye, persistent eye pain, light sensitivity, or an eye infection.

Your eye is a complex and delicate organ that requires special attention. Routine eye examinations by an ophthalmologist are part of the prevention of retinal conditions. Treatment for retinal diseases focuses on preventing or delaying damage-progression, enhancing or correcting vision, or managing a chronic ailment. For more information about retina conditions and treatments or to schedule an appointment with our eye doctor in Brandon, Plant City, and Sun City, FL, call Brandon Eye Associates today. You can reach them at (813) 684-2211 for Brandon and Plant City, FL, and (813) 213-0020 for Sun City, FL, so call today.

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