Don’t Delay Treatment for Glaucoma

Whenever you see your eye doctor for your yearly eye exam, one test that you’ll always get is for glaucoma. Glaucoma occurs when there’s increased intraocular pressure (IOP) caused by an overproduction of fluid or the eye isn’t draining correctly. When you don’t treat glaucoma quickly, it can lead to serious issues that impact your eyesight and even lead to total sight loss. Your eye doctors at Brandon Eye Associates in Brandon, Plant City, and Sun City, FL, can explain why it’s important to detect glaucoma early and how it can be treated.

Why You Shouldn’t Leave Glaucoma Untreated

As your glaucoma develops, IOP can cause damage to the optic nerve and retinal fibers, which can lead to vision loss. Glaucoma is treatable by your eye doctors in Brandon, Plant City, and Sun City, FL, and can be detected early through yearly testing. Glaucoma doesn’t usually show many symptoms before it’s serious, which is why getting tested regularly is so important.

Normally, all you may need to treat your glaucoma is medication. Some patients may require surgery to allow fluid to drain from the eye correctly. Most of the surgeries available to treat glaucoma will use laser treatments, which help to make the precise movements needed to treat your eye.

Depending on the severity of your condition and what is causing the most issues, your doctor will choose from a few different types of surgeries to treat your glaucoma. You may also need to use daily eye drops after surgery to make sure that your eye is properly lubricated and heals quickly.

Contact Your Eye Doctor Today

Help keep your vision clear and unaffected. Contact your eye doctors at Brandon Eye Associates in Brandon, Plant City, and Sun City, FL, to find out why glaucoma should never be left untreated. Call for more information today at (813) 684-2211 for the office in Brandon and Plant City, FL, and (813) 213-0020 for the office in Sun City, FL.

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